Press Releases

Wexton Statement on President Biden’s State of the Union Address

Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) issued the following statement on President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address to Congress this evening:

“Throughout my more than two decades of public service, I've seen firsthand the America that Joe Biden spoke about tonight – a place where families in every community are fighting to give their kids a brighter future, where our leaders can come together to get the important work done, and where most people would much rather unite around what we have in common than allow our differences to divide us.

“It is that kind of attitude about what is possible when we work together that has driven the progress we've achieved alongside President Biden, including leading a record economic recovery that puts middle class families first, enacting a once-in-a-generation bipartisan infrastructure law, and bolstering U.S. manufacturing and competitiveness, creating good-paying jobs.

“I share the President's concern about those who seek to divide us. Those who are waging attacks on women's reproductive freedoms, attempting to turn back progress on fundamental rights, and threatening our very democracy are more emboldened than ever. We cannot let that small but loud minority of voices win out.

“As I look ahead to the remainder of my final term serving in Congress, I am encouraged by the progress that we’ve made to improve the lives of families across the country, and I have hope for the possibilities ahead to build a better America for our kids.”
