Press Releases

Wexton Statement on Support for New FBI Headquarters in Virginia

Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) issued the following statement on why Springfield, Virginia is the optimal location to establish the new FBI headquarters, joining other bipartisan Virginia leaders today in calling for a fair evaluation of Springfield as a finalist for the move. Wexton could not attend the press event hosted by other elected leaders as she is currently traveling for official business:

“I stand with my Virginia delegation colleagues from both sides of the aisle in emphasizing the overwhelming evidence for why the FBI’s new home should be here in Springfield, Virginia. A clear and convincing case was made today for why Springfield would be not only optimal for the agency but optimal for the local community as well.

“We are eager to welcome the FBI and its many dedicated agents and staff here to the Commonwealth, and I look forward to continue working with my colleagues in a bipartisan way to highlight the many mutual benefits this move will bring.”
